As you might suspect or have experienced, AI is not perfect. It does make mistakes. Yet, we all want 100% accurate data. So the bottom line is two key questions: How well does the AI work? And if the AI is imperfect, how quickly can the user get to 100% accuracy?
The Annual Accuracy Report is GLYNT’s answer. This is our third annual report on accuracy and the results just get better and better. GLYNT is highly accurate. We’re averaging 99% on our F1 score. And it takes less and less time to train our AI. In the past year we cut the number of training documents needed to get to peak performance in half, from 10 down to 5.

Of course we’re zealots for accuracy here at GLYNT. Our internal performance goal won’t surprise you, to make GLYNT “the fastest path to 100% accurate data from documents.” Take a look at our Annual Report. Send us your questions. We’re constantly scrutinizing our accuracy and worrying about all the details. So you don’t have to.