Everything You Need to Know About Sustainability Data Onboarding in an AI-First World

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Sustainability data can be challenging. Take a look at what AI-First Onboarding is, how technology makes the task much easier, and what the GLYNT.AI process looks like.

When you are considering implementing a new process for sustainability data preparation, it can be tough to know where to begin. From the capture of original source data, to automating flows, and ensuring accuracy, there’s a lot to handle. And we live in an era where sustainability and AI are both changing rapidly, so it’s hard to keep up.

This guide is an overview of what AI-First is, how it impacts your sustainability data flows and how it makes your job much easier. We’ll cover the onboarding process, and why set up files and geographic constraints are a thing of the past. Let’s dig in!

Onboarding in an AI-First System

AI-First is a philosophy and a status. As a philosophy it asks developers and business managers to break old habits and plan to use AI to do the task from the start. As a status marker, it signifies the switch over from AI being a support tool for a human-led workflow to an entire process rethought and redeployed to deliver results relying on AI, with humans in a support role.

For GLYNT, AI-First has meant huge gains in operational efficiency, accuracy improvements, data-driven performance testing and validation every step of the way, and changes in what we offer customers, including:

  • First Data in Days, not Weeks. Let’s cut to the chase: There is no long setup period. Just provide your source data files, and see your first data in a few days.
  • An Entire Year of Data in 5 to 10 Weeks. We know that customers have quarterly objectives, and getting a project done within a quarter is key. No matter your project size, we’ll work with you to get it done quickly in just a few weeks.
  • No Geographical Footprint. We built our AI-First system from experience, and it includes automated handling of languages and character sets.
  • Five Ways to Capture Source Files. Use utility site logins, SFTP, ERP integrations, AP processing integrations and APIs. Mix and match at each of your locations.
  • Accurate from the Start. GLYNT’s purpose-built specialized AI, known “Few Shot Machine Learning” is at production-level data quality on the first data delivery.

The Five Steps of GLYNT.AI Onboarding

For every project, regardless of the complexity, the onboarding process at GLYNT is simple. Our goal is to use our AI-First system to provide First Data within two weeks. And ramp up quickly after that. Once all data sources are fully automated, the project goes into a monthly or cadence. During the first two months an extra level of customer support is provided to ensure continued data accuracy and complete file handling.

The GLYNT onboarding timeline from kickoff, to first data, to validation, to ramp and ending at hypercare

Why Customers Choose AI-First Onboarding with GLYNT

  • Accurate – GLYNT’s powerful AI delivers 98%+ accuracy from the start, and our Service Level Agreement (SLA) is 99.5%. The gap is closed by targeted human reviews. Use our Trusted Data Reports to verify the accuracy of the data delivered to you.
  • Audit-Ready – GLYNT is SOC 1 certified, demonstrating that GLYNT prepares sustainability data as rigorously as financial data. Reduce audit risk and expense with GLYNT’s audit-ready data files and documentation.
  • Single Solution for All Data Types, Locations and Changes – With a multitude of data types, languages and changes in data sources and locations, the big challenge of sustainability data is variation. Manage your data sources more effectively and efficiently in one AI-First data preparation system.
  • Savings – Save 80% or more over current ad hoc systems. Expand your data preparation capabilities without increasing headcount. Get your data prepared in an audit-ready, compliant, financial-grade system.
  • Speed – Stay on top of customer reporting requests and regulatory deadlines throughout the year with fresh data from GLYNT. Sign up for our premium 24-hour service (great for bill pay) or our Monthly Sustainability Close. Or choose our Quarterly Report option.
  • Built by Experts – GLYNT has brought it all together, with years of experience in sustainability data, regulatory compliance, financial-grade data management and AI. We’ll help you avoid the common pitfalls and streamline your data flows for easy and accurate data management.

Is it Time to Get Started on Accurate, Audit-Ready, Financial-Grade Sustainability Data?

There are many benefits from AI-First sustainability data preparation systems, and rising expectations from investors and customers, and upcoming reporting regulations, there is a sense of urgency too.

AI and machine learning will shape the sustainability reporting world through faster and more accurate data, automated narrative creation and easier workflow management. Expect sustainability to be one of the first places your company builds expertise with the new wave of AI. After all, sustainability data is an informative reflection of operations.

Start now with planning and as you do so, use the Sustainability Data Automation Checklist to identify your priorities.