From Best Efforts to the 4 As:
Actual, Automated, Accurate, Audit-Ready Sustainability Data

The real estate industry has championed the cause of sustainability and net zero emissions for years, with investors and M&A transactions relying sustainability certifications in deal reviews. Higher certification scores lead to higher asset values. And the fastest path to a better score is more actual, accurate data on sustainability at the asset level. The quality of data on energy, water, waste and emissions matters.


An NYSE-listed REIT approached GLYNT.AI to support its move from early limited efforts on sustainability reporting to a complete, accurate sustainability data system. With more than 40,000 individual assets across hundreds of locations, the effort needed for rigorous data capture and preparation was daunting. And as a U.S. public company, the REIT wanted to prepare for audits of this work.

The REIT needed sustainability data preparation capabilities, sustainability expertise for industry reporting, and financial expertise on how to prepare sustainability data in line with SOX requirements. They were looking for a solution that could deliver accurate, audit-ready sustainability data at scale and on a monthly schedule.


To start, GLYNT.AI prepared a validated baseline of sustainability data for a full calendar year. This included the detailed data that identified opportunities for savings in energy, water and waste expense. Including thousands of assets across the U.S, the first year of data was also a terrific test of GLYNT.AI’s ability to automate data capture and preparation from even the smallest and remote locations. This phase of work led to the delivery of over 8.4 million sustainability data points.

For the second year of data, everyone decided to up the game. GLYNT.AI integrated directly with the REIT’s accounting systems, so that payments on the financial ledger led to energy, water, waste and emissions data on the “sustainability ledger.” This fully integrated financial-sustainability reporting for water, waste, energy and emissions is the gold standard in reliable, accurate SOX-level sustainability reporting.

With two complete annual baselines in place, the REIT is now moving to monthly updates, one step closer to operational use of sustainability data by local site managers. Reports to the certification bodies are filed on a routine basis.


“We received an ocean of sustainability data. It’s exciting to see all of this accurate detail in one place for our properties.”


• Accurate, Audit-Ready Data

Sustainability data prepared as rigorously as financial data, reducing disclosure risk and audit costs

• Granular Data for Reduction Plans

Detailed data on energy, water, and waste for over 40,000 assets lays the foundation for cost-saving plans

• End-to-End SOX-Level Compliance

Use of GLYNT.AI’s certified data service eliminated the cost and time to build a compliant sustainability data preparation system in-house

• Efficient Sustainability Audits

Complete audit-ready documentation, certification, and files reduces the cost of the external assurance or audits


80% Cost Savings

99.5% Accuracy

16M Data Points Delivered

Sustainability Data for 40K+ Assets

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