Trusted Sustainability Data:
Sharing with Customers and Partners

With over 20,000 companies, and layers upon layers of suppliers, the global automotive supply chain is not only complex, but changing fast. There are new suppliers, new products and a significant shift in the hot spot of emissions. Gasoline-powered cars incur the majority of their missions from driving; EVs incur the majority of their emissions from the supply chain. From top to bottom, there is pressure on OEMs and suppliers to deliver accurate, up-to-date sustainability data to customers and partners for this new era.


A Major Automotive Company was preparing their CSRD report and needed sustainability data from their suppliers. Pressure from the OEM was felt by Tier 1 suppliers who pushed it down to the Tier 2 and Tier 3 level, who are smaller companies with significantly fewer resources.

The smaller suppliers needed straightforward and cost-effective support when preparing sustainability data, and the ability to automatically send it to their Tier 1 and Tier 2 customers through Catena-X or other supplier portals. To meet the automative industry standards, the suppliers needed to report:

  • Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) – The summary metric of kg of CO2e per product unit sold
  • Primary Data Share (PDS) – The share reported emissions in the PCF from original source data, not estimates
  • Primary Data Quality (PDQ) – A score that represents the quality of data inputs, as measured by their freshness, granularity, context, issuer quality and so on

A lightweight, cost-effective solution was needed.


Leveraging its AI-powered data preparation system, GLYNT.AI quickly automated sustainability data flows without a setup expense or delay. As a certified data service – GLYNT.AI itself has gone through a SOC 1 audit – GLYNT.AI has data quality tests built in. And, with ‘configurator’ options, GLYNT.AI easily customizes sustainability data for seamless flows. In sum, GLYNT.AI’s technology was built and ready to go.

To get started, the supplier provided an SFTP folder of source files. The files were unorganized, submitted in just one large drop. GLYNT.AI quickly ingested the files, mathematically fingerprinting each, and began the process of automation. In the first week, 95% of the files were processed and a first round of data returned to the customer. Duplicate submissions were noted.

Next, GLYNT.AI unpacked the remaining 5% of invoices – which were complicated multi-meter, multi-service, multi-location invoices – by coordinating the context and data output format with the customer. This extra step meant everyone knew what to expect.

The result was accurate, audit-ready sustainability data in the format required for data sharing in the automotive supply chain. The initial work of sustainability reporting and data sharing was accomplished in just a few weeks without hiring consultants or increasing headcount. Now the company receives automated monthly deliveries from GLYNT.AI.


“We were tired of sustainability vendors who told us they did everything, but left the hard work of sustainability data to the customer. GLYNT.AI solved our data problem.”

– Business Analyst, Finance Team, Automotive Supplier

• No New Headcount

Automated data preparation met the budget requirements, saving on consulting fees and headcount

• Streamlined Onboarding

No long setup periods, the entire project was completed in just a few weeks

• Data Ready for Sharing

Customized sustainability data flows into business systems, ready for sharing with customers and partners

• Verified, Audit-Ready Data

Sustainability data prepared as rigorously as financial data, in a SOX/COSO compliant system


80% Cost Savings

Full data flows in just weeks
100% ready for data sharing

100% verified and audit-ready

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