The Pyramid of Accuracy

The Pyramid of Accuracy

With the new SEC climate disclosure rules, sustainability data has been elevated to the same data-quality expectations as financial data. Investors want to make decisions based on sustainability data, and they want to make peer-to-peer comparisons of reporting...
Five Key Takeaways from the SEC Rulemaking

Five Key Takeaways from the SEC Rulemaking

1. It’s all about the investors Investors want the data and they want comparable data. We’ve seen GLYNT customers blocked from capital because their sustainability data was stale and coarse, full of estimates. When investors don’t get what they want, there are real...
Are You Ready for a Sustainability Assurance Review?

Are You Ready for a Sustainability Assurance Review?

This is the year, and this is the season, when everyone has the same question: Will We Pass Our Sustainability Assurance Review? It is indeed a new challenge, and a bit intimidating. GLYNT is a SOX-level certified sustainability data preparation system that produces...
2024: Analysts Focus on Sustainability Data

2024: Analysts Focus on Sustainability Data

With so much sustainability reporting activity starting this year, GLYNT has called 2024 The Year of Sustainability Data. Actual, consistent, auditable data makes all the difference. Industry analysts agree. This blog post is a round up of the state of sustainability...
2024: The Spotlight is on Sustainability Data

2024: The Spotlight is on Sustainability Data

In 2024 thousands of companies will be preparing sustainability reports using new standards issued by the EU, IFRS and the IAASB. While it may be tempting to do the least work possible and see how reporting goes, this is actually a very risky strategy. This white...