2022 Is Different: Sustainability Moves From ‘Feel Good’ to a Business Problem

by | Jan 19, 2022 | GLYNTBlog

One of our favorite market researchers is Suzanne Shelton, the CEO of the Shelton Group. If you’ve been following sustainability for the past 10 years, you’ll know that Suzanne has been skeptical of consumer interest in the green agenda. She’s data driven and the data wasn’t there. 

Frankly we admire how she built a market research company that specializes in sustainability, all the while telling clients “consumers are not ready yet.” A big shoutout to Suzanne and the Shelton Group team!

So, when we got the Shelton Group’s recent newsletter with this headline, we nearly fell off our chair:

“2022: The year business truly takes the lead on sustainability”

The Shelton Group’s research shows that many consumers can now name the brand they STOPPED buying because it was not sustainable. 

And looking at the same trends from the business side, a recent Harvard Business Review article is titled: 

“Sustainable Business Went Mainstream in 2021”

From consumer pressures to investor pressures, this year is different. 

We look forward to working with business leaders who want to tell their sustainability story with accurate, verifiable and reliable carbon emissions data. 

Happy 2022!

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