Getting ESG-report ready data from GLYNT is easy: Simply submit your utility bills to GLYNT. You’ll get back a CSV file organized by properties (rows) and reporting frameworks (columns). Everything is ready to upload to the major ESG portals.

From Ideas to Action
We want to make ESG reporting incredibly simple and useful. And the solution is quite powerful:
Buildings use an average $1.70 in energy costs per square foot per year. This is at least 17 pounds of CO2 per square foot per year, and even more if natural gas or propane is used. The US has more than 30 billion square feet of commercial real estate, so in total this sector emits over 510 billion pounds of CO2.
Today, the call from Wall Street is “report your data.” But we expect the call to quickly shift to “lower your emissions each year.” GLYNT works with partners who optimize buildings for less energy use or provide clean renewable energy, and we’re proud to be at the frontlines of both reporting and action.
How GLYNT Makes ESG Data Simple
With years of experience in capturing and reading data from utility bills, GLYNT has optimized its automated documents-to-data system and removed complexity. We know which data the ESG reporting frameworks want and in which format. We also know where that data is on the utility bill. Specifically, GLYNT is the technology that connects source data to target formats.
Each bill goes through a multi-step process: advanced machine learning to capture the data from the bill; semantic tooling to untangle the confusing document layouts and definitions; a validation step to automatically check data quality; and a transformation layer to organize and label the data for ESG reporting.
As one customer told us recently, “The problem with utility bill data for ESG reporting is that you have to think. It’s such hard work to figure out the data on the bills and the reporting formats. And it’s boring.”
Use GLYNT. Have a better day.