Get Rid of the Bottleneck of Utility Bills

by | Nov 16, 2020 | GLYNTBlog

GLYNT provides automated utility bill data, ready to use in your systems
Accurate Data. Scalable Solution. Easy to Use. Stay in Control.

In every industry, digital automation is key to thriving in 2021. More than half of U.S. companies plan to take on automation projects next year. And the energy and sustainability markets are no exception………or are they?

All too often utility bill data has remained a backwater of semi-automated and manual systems:

• Smart Grid Meets Dumb Bills. World-class analytics are applied to iot sensor data from sites and the grid, while utility bill data is handled by manual data entry.

• Customized Proposals Waiting for Days and Weeks. Comprehensive proposal sales tools are ready to go, but wait days and weeks for data entry.

• Monthly Cadence Equals Monthly Stress. Monthly utility bill data operations are a constant worry of data entry team turnover, training and management.

• Every Human Makes Errors. And not to mention all the rework. Humans make errors, and software picks them up later when it is expensive to correct.GLYNT was built for utility bill data. Last week GLYNT announced the general availability of our DIY solution. Now you can get the GLYNT Managed Service for utility bill data or you can use our simple DIY solution and your team. Your choice. You remain in control.

And let’s zero in on one feature of GLYNT that will make your life easier: Data Verification.

No automated system is perfect, and errors do arise. So a key buying feature for any solution is:


How Do Errors Get Corrected?

 Welcome to the World of No Tickets.


With GLYNT simply enter the correct data. Your data record is instantly updated. If you see one error repeated frequently, GLYNT’s AI system can be retrained in minutes. Just provide three examples of bills with the error. Once GLYNT is retrained, your automated data flow is back in fine shape. Retraining is a DIY feature too!

Use GLYNT’s DIY solution and your team. We’ll train your team in under two hours and provide a dedicated customer support channel thereafter. Or use GLYNT’s Managed Services which includes automated utility bill capture from utility websites and a premium data review.

DIY customers get GLYNT’s straight-through data processing, which averages 98% accuracy, and GLYNT’s Managed Services customers get an SLA guaranteeing 99.5% accuracy.

GLYNT is packed with power under the hood:

Built-In Microservices Handle Utility Bill Complexity

It’s time to take a look at GLYNT. Utility bill automation for a scalable 2021!


PS  Have you ever seen the words microserve and utility bill used in the same sentence before? Yep, GLYNT is the modern solution. Our product speaks for itself! 

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